
When all else fails...turn to random happy pictures!

At least, that's my plan! Today, I am sharing with you three simple photographs of things that are around my house that caught my eye and deemed themselves photo worthy.
They will hopefully land themselves on a scrapbook page one day, but you know how these things go....

1. DSCN2233

2. DSCN2235

3. DSCN2234

What do you mean you don't have aliens randomly sitting on your breakfast bar? Doesn't everyone? I could blame the kids...if I had any! HA!

Show me your random photo and post a link! I'm in the mood for some random photos!

OH! And I am adding this because I want to share it with you!!!

Have you checked out these fairly new masks from Tim Holtz? They are awesome!!! I want some so bad to play with! You can get them at All Moments Remembered along with a whole bunch of Tim's other stuff, and lots of great other products like October Afternoon, Daisy Bucket, Pink Paislee, and MORE!!!!


  1. Blame it on the "NOT ME GHOST" He still lives here even though we haave grankids!

    Have fun with randomness.

  2. Love the randomness and - really sounds like I'm lying but I kid you not... I have the same bluish alien in my house somewhere... he turns up at my feet every once and a while... but I do have 3 boys so I can blame it on them-lol! Your photos are really well taken! love the orange and the milk bottles? Do you have a dairy farm?

  3. I love the photos and the random photo idea...I will try to play with it later and post a link.

  4. cool pics!! They are very fun! We have little aliens around here, but I can blame the girls on those. :)

  5. awesome photos! love the aliens! ;)


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