
Button Christmas Trees and Tin Can Angels

Just a quick post today to share with you a couple of projects that have been done around our house this week.

I created this great this very fun cone tree on Sunday with my Kindergarten Sunday School class! The kids did a great job with theirs, but of course I forgot to take pics! I really love mine, though! LOL! I think I am going to try to whip one up for my Mom because it is a blast to make and I think she'd love it! I just punched paper circles from Chatterbox Artsy-Licious papers, then used pins to attach the paper circles with a button on top to a foam cone! Super easy and super fun! The best part - a NO adhesive project!!!


Next, I want to show you the cute angel that Sean made the other day! We received a couple of aluminum angels as a gift and thought they were cool, so Sean wanted to try his hand at them. The ones we received incorporated other materials and Sean really wanted to only use the can, so that is exactly what he did! It came out AWESOME! I love this thing!


Isn't that just adorable!!!

Finally, I wanted to share my wonderful plate and mug that I put out over the weekend that is JUST for cookies for Santa! It is a Mary Engelbreit set that my Mom got for me several years ago and I just love it! It makes me smile!


That's all for today! What have you been up to? Did you make any decorations for the season? I'd love to hear about them!


  1. Love your tree and tell Sean that Angel is wonderful! He could sell those!

  2. I love the tree and I really love Sean's angel. He will have to post a pattern.

    The ME plate and mug are to die for! If you ever see another set.... buy it and I will pay you for it and the postage.

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Love your button tree, the red and white are so pretty. And the can angel is just too cute!!! :)

    I would put out cookies for Santa, but Jeff would eat all the dough before I could get it into the oven :)

  4. Very cute... I love the all red & white tree. It's classy! ;)

  5. Cute tree! That angel is very cool! I had intended to do all sorts of crafty things this holiday. Did I? Nope! I have decided to let it go and just try to enjoy myself anyway.

  6. Love all three!!!

    The button tree is gorgeous. Imagine how proud the kids must have been to take their's home!

    The angel is so beautiful - what a wonderful gift it would make, but who could ever part with it?!?

    I think Santa may just want to "borrow" that plate and mug after he finishes his snack! ;-)


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