
Upcycled Pocket Journal, Sheer Bribery, and Blog Candy Giveaway!

Yup! That's what this post is all about! LOL!

I was over at Melody's blog yesterday when I saw that she had posted this amazing kit! I got all excited and went over to AMR to tell them about how much I wanted it! LOL!

WELL....it just so happens that she is giving THREE of them away!!!!

I REALLY want one of these and I don't have a Sam's club membership, so I've decided to bribe you to help me out! LOL!

Last night I was playing with some paper and I made my very first Upcycled Pocket Journal!!! Because I am an avid paper crafter I, of course, have a bin full of scraps by my desk at all times. Sometimes they get used, and sometimes they don't, but I decided that this is a fantastic way to use those!!! Although, I think I am going to use junk mail to make on now, too, because it was WAY fun to make!

I used a freebie deck of playing cards (well, not the whole deck...just two cards, actually) as the covers and then I used the scraps cut to size for the pages. I can drop this little book in my purse and have something to write down all of those "OH! I need to jot that down!" thoughts that come through my mind so very often.

Here it is:

Upcycled Pocket Journal

Upcycled Pocket Journal

Upcycled Pocket Journal

I was super excited because it was the first time I got to really use my Bind It All that I saved up for!!!! I love this thing! It is going to be a wonderful and much used tool in my stash!

My Pink BIA!

SO....Here is the Blog Candy Part!!!!

I want to give away one of these upcycled journals! You won't get this one...I will make one JUST for you! BUT...that's not all! For every 50 comments I receive I will add one more item to the envelope. THEN...if I win Melody's Kit...I will add something else...something really good!

So...Here is how you can win:

1. Comment over at Melody's Sofa on THIS post and tell her that Jingle sent you!

2. Come back here and let me know that you commented over there! (Yes...I can check...)

3. For two extra entries into the contest post a link to my blog along with info about this giveaway on your blog (feel free to use my photos if you would like) or on a Message Board. (AMR and CKMB don't count because I will be hitting both of those.)

4. For one extra entry post on a message board other than the two I frequent (AMR and CKMB) about this contest with a link to my blog!

Be sure to leave your name so I can tell who you are! I will announce the winner here on my blog!

This contest will be open until Melody Chooses a winner!

Spread the word! I know...I'm shameless, but I REALLY want this kit! LOL!


  1. I commented at Melody's Sofa for you! Good luck!
    Elizabeth M.

  2. I left a comment on Melody's site. Good luck!

  3. hi jingle i left a comment for you

  4. hi jingle just left a comment for you good luck

    missy davis

  5. I left a comment on her blog that you sent me!
    I hope you win!


  6. I left a post on my crafty message board: http://www.craftyria.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2934&p=14250#p14250

    I hope the girls there go help you win, too!

  7. ok to be fair angie and you both referred me..so gave credit for you both;) back to bed...and ice packs and pain meds;)

  8. I commented at Melanie's for you. Good Luck!
    amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net

  9. I can see why you were excited about the kit! Its a doozy

  10. I went over to melanies blog and left a GREAT comment she is TALENTED

  11. I left a comment over at Melanies blog. Good Luck.

  12. Hi,
    I commented at Melody's Sofa that Jingle sent me and about the neat Christmas Kits! I told her they get me in the Christmas spirit!!
    Best of Luck to you!

  13. Left a comment over at Melody's Sofa for you. Good luck!

    LouAnn aka scapalicious mama

  14. I just left a comment for you. Good Luck!!!

  15. left a comment for you on Melody's blog. Good luck!
    Melissa (mnbabe)
    Looks like a fabulous kit. Darn it...why is all the good stuff at ACM, Mikes, Sam's....places I live NO where near. Wwwwaaaa!!!!

  16. Ok I left a comment for ya Jingle! (:

  17. I left a comment for ya--Good luck!

  18. Jing, that Upcycled book is totally cute! I just left a comment at Melody's for ya. I really hope you win one of them!!! :)

  19. Hey Jingle,

    I left a comment at Melody's blog. Good luck and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you (and me!!).

  20. Commented on Melody's Sofa for you. Good Luck!

  21. I can see why you want that kit, Jingle, it is THE PERFECT HOLIDAY KIT! I left a comment with your name over on Melody's blog~good luck!

  22. I went and told that gall you sent me and that you love her!!!!

    I also asked her to pick me...even though I sent no one over there...LOL


  23. lol i commented on melody's blog that you were holding my dog for ransom if i didn't post :D

    hope you win!!! good luck!!

  24. ok and i posted on my blog in hopes that my friends can help out too; http://mylifeasascrapbookpage.blogspot.com/

  25. Hi Jingle,
    I left a comment for you too. Sure hope you win a kit.

  26. I went to Melody's Sofa and left a note. Good Luck

  27. Ok woman, I did the deed!! But I want one of those kits too. If you don't win, maybe I'll drive up to the Sam's in Pa and buy us both one.

  28. Hey Jen, I left you a comment on her blog and now yours too! Good Luck!

  29. Hey Jen, left a comment on that website :) I sure hope you win, GOOD LUCK :)


  30. I dropped your name at Melody's site too! Good luck and thanks for sending us over to check it out. Paula

  31. Hi Jingle!! I left a comment on Melody's blog. I hope you win the kit!!

    The comment is under Stefanie J. ScrappininPhx on AMR.

  32. I left a comment on Melody's blog too! That is one awesome kit! I hope you win!


  33. Commented at Melody's for you. Good luck!!
    Heather aka RDH from PCMB

  34. You little book sure is cute. I left a comment over on Melody site for you.


  35. Hey Jingle!

    I don't blame you about that kit, it's AWESOME! I posted on Melody's blog and also linked your post on my blog as well!


    Good luck and I hope you get it!

    Meggan (scrapbooknmommy)

  36. I left a comment on her blog (My name is just Jennie over there.) Thanks for the chance!

  37. I posted for you! Hope you win!!!

  38. hey girl! I posted over there!!!! Thanks for the fun giveaway opportunity!!

  39. I posted over there.


  40. Congrats Jingle, just saw that you won the kit!!! YAY! how exciting :) Enjoy it!

    CKMB scrapbooknmommy


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