
Banana Cream Cuppy Cakes!

Well, I had a wonderful Labor Day weekend, however, I didn't get much scrapping done, unfortunately. By much...I really mean any! LOL! I hope to do some stuff in the evenings this week,though if I can steal some time. However, we did have a wonderful weekend and I will share a few things over the next few days. BUT...I MUST show you these cupcakes that I made on Sunday! They are Banana Cream Cuppy Cakes!!! How could that be bad? It can't, really! LOL!

Here is a photo for you:

Banana Cream Cupcake

They are super easy to make, too! I just used my favorite White Cake recipe (although, next time I may use a vanilla or just a simple yellow cake). Then, after baking and cooling I cut out the centers of each cupcake and piped in some lowfat banana cream pudding. (Thank you, JELL-O!) Then, I topped the cupcakes with light Cool Whip and tucked in two mini Nilla Wafers...mind you...they MUST be Nabisco brand "Nilla" wafers. My husband was quite adamant that they could not be the "VAnilla" wafers...they had to be "Nilla" wafers. It will make or break your cupcakes! LOL!

Here are a couple more yummy-graphs for you to look at!

Banana Cream Cupcakes

Banana Cream Cuppy Cakes

I hope you had a fabulous weekend! What did you do? Let me know! I love reading your comments!


  1. Those look yummy, my family loves my banana pudding...I might have to sneak this in sometime!! Thanks for the how to!!! :)

  2. the weekend was good...did some scrapping & cleaning..watched some football...

    i LOVE banana pudding & these look so YUMMY!...thanks for including the directions, definitely gonns try this!!!....

  3. Guess where those cupcakes went?

    My house! They were so moist and delicious! They were definitely the best I have ever had.

  4. Ok, I'm totally making these. Anything having to do with bananas (especially banana pudding!) we LOVE. And your hubby is right.. it HAS to be Nilla wafers. Everything else just tastes fake :D

    BTW, thanks for the tip on the foam topper. I didn't even think of doing that!

  5. Love your cupcakes! I just might have to try those... :)

  6. OK .. those are must-try cupcakes! And my DH would totally agree with yours ... there is NO substitute for the Nillas!

  7. oh my those cuppy look yummy!! I might have to get that recipe from you. My hubby loves banana cream. :)

  8. Wow, those cupcakes look divine!!! I am loving your blog!!!! I didn't know where to comment first. You had so many cool blog posts. So your favorite color is red, huh? I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I'll be back to stalk you some more later :)

  9. My hubby and son both say a big thank you! They loved those "cuppy cakes" (that's what my 2yr old calls them. lol) Now I'm thinking of all the different combos I can make. Like cherry cake with chocolate pudding? Mmmmm!


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