
Project Runway: Paper Challenge

Well, that's what it felt like when I was creating this, anyway! LOL! This is the project that I created using the wonderful Chatterbox goodies. The dress form came from Creative Imaginations Bare Elements line and I love the way it turned out! I created the skirt by accordian folding strips of the velvet flocked paper and the glitter paper and then piecing them together. I had to do some paper molding to prevent the edges from showing and to give it a more natural look, but it wasn't too difficult. The tricky part came in creating the bodice! In the even that you were not already aware of this - paper doesn't move like fabric! LOL! It took me a couple of tries to get the right shape cut from my paper for starters and then, once I finally got that to a place I was happy with I worked on the details like the little cutesy neckline and the darts in the front that keep her looking trim! I love the velvet ribbon that I used to create the belt between the separates! I then used the brad elements for the accent at the waistline. In the package, the crochet piece had a brad in the center and the metal piece had a brad in the center. I just removed one of the brads and put them all together to create the accent and I love the texture that the layers show off! Finally, she needed something around the neckline. Originally I had the scarf around the front and not tied, but rather casually thrown around the neck, but that took away from the tiny details on the neckline, so I went with a soft knot in the back of the neck with a shorter trail from the scarf. I really like it! I hope you do, too!

*Okay...I need help! LOL! I am so new to this blogging thing and I just used the link provided by Photobucket.com to put the pictures up, but they don't fit into my template and I don't know how to fix it! If you can help, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks! Learning as I go, here, folks! LOL!






  1. Hey it's Jess from AMR- when you're writing your blog, there is a button to the left, of what looks like, a movie clip. If you click on that, it allows you to upload photos directly from your computer, to your blog. Try that... that's how I do mine. It will give you a few different options of placement also, and will upload small, but you can click on the photos and they open in a different window, bigger. I hope that all made sense! :)

  2. Jing, you did such a fabulous job on this. My hubby finally went back to work (FINALLY!!) and now maybe I can work on mine :D

  3. "Hello, Jennifer, it's me Nina. Nina Garcia from Elle magazine. The dress is classic, yet it shows your point of view. Beautifully finished pleatwork. It's clear you know how to dress the female form. Yet I'm surprised you did not take more of a risk, Jennifer, we want to see what you're capable of." LOL! Can't resist some Project Runway playing! Beautiful little dress, and I love the paper!

  4. Hey Jingle,

    I love this dress... Have you ever made one for a person? I love the paper you used.....

    BTW... I added you to my blog list.... It lets me know what the people on my list have added to their blog....That way I know when to visit a blog thats had a new post....


    (Pattie's passion)

    I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!!

  5. very cute jingle. Suede says one word for making a dress out of paper?! Whackadoodle! hee hee!
    It looks great!

  6. Hey Jennifer
    Love that paper dress!! Is it going to decorate your scrap room? I would love to see pictures of your scrap space (I'm in the process of doing mine)--I need inspiration!!!
    Livia AKA NenaNYC (CKMB)

  7. Hi Jennifer. Since you visited my blog, I thought I would visit yours. As a Project Runway fan I can certaily appreciate the challenge of making a paper dress but you "made it work" as Tim Gunn would say! Maybe they should do a paper dress challenge on the show. LOL!!!

  8. Hi Jennifer,

    I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the "I Love Your Blog Award" You can find more info on my blog.

    Here is the code for the picture that you can put on your blog:



  9. Cool dress! I use photobucket on some of my blog posts. What I do is resize the photo in photo bucket and then put the link in! Works like a charm. I normall\y take the photo down to 400 on the left and it will automatically resize the number on the right!


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