
Drumroll please.......

And the winner is.....

.....by random draw........

....oh, you really wanted to know? Okay then.......

Brit Swiderski said...

The girls at COCOA always send the best little RAKS- they totally brighten my day! One time, I mentioned how I really was wanting a journaling stamp, and one of the ladies sent me a whole set from autumn leaves. It was really nice. :) Enjoy your goodies!

August 22, 2008 12:03 PM

Congrats Brit! You are the first person to win Blog Candy on my blog!!!! Thanks for stopping by!!!! Please e-mail me your mailing address so that I can get this out to you!

And a HUGE thank you to all of you who are reading my blog! It's really cool that there are people out there who care! Thanks! This is so much fun!

More later today....maybe....LOL!


  1. Congrats to Brit! But honestly, how did I miss this giveaway? HUH? I read that post! Obvoiusly I must have skimmed towards the end, and lost out! I gotta read more casrefully in the future!

  2. Woohoo! That's exciting! That's a very pleasant surprise. I must just not have gotten through all of the new entries I have on google reader yet. I'll e-mail you right now! Thank you!


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